ISO 9001 certification for our factory in Tczew

On 1 August 2005 the factory in Tczew was officially awarded the ISO 9001:2000 certificate. The process of certification was carried out smoothly thanks to the acceptance of the standards set by the mother company in Nowa Wies which has produced glass in accordance with the ISO norms since 1999. The ISO 9001:2000 certificate was also granted to the factory in Nowa Wie for a further three years.

These certificates were issued by KEMA quality, which is one of the best known institutes which are involved in the aspect of quality in Europe. Confirmation of these documents is in the form of the IQNet certificates which were given to both factories in Nowa Wies and in Tczew by an organisation which is affiliated to all the best institutes which grant such certificates around the world.