Публикации от PRESS GLASS

Skylum – modern skyscrapers in the centre of Vilnius

The landscape of the centre of Vilnius has recently been enriched by two distinctive, 70-metre-high towers. The twin Skylum skyscrapers offer modern and convenient residential spaces, luxury suites and several relaxation and meeting areas. We supplied 7,000 m2 of tempered laminated glass for their construction. Skylum is probably the most photogenic skyscrapers currently under construction […]

Unique “glass” benches for Raków Częstochowa football club from Press Glass

While implementing our responsible business strategy, we support various selected initiatives related to sport, education, and culture. As part of cooperation with the RKS Raków Częstochowa football club, we made glass roofs for benches for the coaching staff and substitute players. This project was extremely demanding due to time pressure (very short implementation time) and […]

Global Office Park with a glass segment-based façade

Thanks to segment-based façade the structures are more unique. Global Office Park, a new office and residential building complex in Katowice (Poland), is based on a technically sophisticated concept. We have delivered over 25,000 m2 of glass units for the construction of this building complex. The solar control and low emission glass was used in the […]

У нас 11 новых типов звукопоглощающих стекол

Мы расширили наше предложение стекол с акустическими свойствами, подтвержденными протоколом испытаний, на более чем десять конструкций. Среди них также находятся двухкамерные комплекты. Новые типы имеют взвешенный коэффициент звукоизоляции (Rw) от 36 до 51 dB. Новое предложение Конструкция [мм] T-Thermofloat Наполнитель Rw [дБ] C [дБ] Ctr [дБ] Ug [Вт/м]2K] 6,4T (VSG 33.1T)/12/6/12/4T Argon 36 -2 -6 […]

Предприятие в г. Радомско полностью оборудовано

В соответствии с принятым инвестиционным планом на 2009-2013 гг., в марте мы завершили последний этап оборудования расширенного в 2012 году предприятия в Особой экономической зоне в г. Радомско.


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